January 13, 2020

Pharmacists Should Expect Dramatic Increase in COVID-19 Vaccine Supply

The next few months should be even busier for pharmacists. Not only are they going to play a bigger role in vaccinating Americans against COVID-19, but the number of available doses—and, therefore, those receiving them—will be dramatically increasing with the inauguration of a new president. Here is more information.


Statins Appear Cardioprotective for Some Breast-Cancer Chemotherapy Patients

One of the downsides to chemotherapy for some women with early-stage breast cancer is the risk of heart damage. Find out what commonly prescribed pharmaceutical appears to provide some protection against that adverse cardiologic effect and why researchers are calling for randomized, controlled trials to test their findings.                    

Convalescent Plasma for COVID-19 Shows Promise Earlier in Illness for Elderly

It was disappointing news when convalescent plasma was shown to have little beneficial effect for patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19. Researchers questioned whether the outcomes were the result of too little, too late and now have promising results from providing the therapy to older patients early in the course of their illness. Here are more details.


No Need for Prophylactic Antibiotics for Common Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Pharmacists fill many antibiotic prescriptions from patients undergoing a common procedure: endoscopic sinus surgery. A new study argues, however, that prophylactic antibiotics are unnecessary, showing little difference in outcomes in patients who took either the drugs or placebo after surgery. Here are their results.

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