July 21, 2021

Here Are Other Drug Classes That Can Contribute to Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem worldwide, and overuse of the drugs is considered the primary cause. But what about other contributors? A new study discussed nonantibiotic drugs that appear to contribute to antibiotic resistance. Here is more information.


ADHD Medication Compliance Affected by Other
Psychiatric Diagnoses

A major challenge in treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is ensuring that patients take the drugs. A new study identifies genetic, clinical, and sociodemographic factors influencing the influencing the initiation and discontinuation of stimulant treatment as well as switching to nonstimulant medications. Here is more information.

Dulaglutide Might Reduce Erectile Dysfunction in
T2D Patients

A new study offers some potentially good news for men with type 2 diabetes (T2D)—a change in medication may help avoid erectile dysfunction. Find out how researchers determined that long-term use of dulaglutide might reduce the incidence of moderate or severe erectile dysfunction, a common side effect of T2D.


More Evidence That Remdesivir, HCQ Not Effective Against COVID-19

The search for effective drugs to treat COVID-19 has had its ups and downs, with some hopeful moments. An add-on to a World Health Organization study has concluded, however, that neither remdesivir nor hydroxychloroquine appears to have much positive effect in patients hospitalized with SARS-Cov-2 infection. Here are more details.

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