USPharmacist | Weekly News Update


March 18, 2015
  • New Study: Prescription Drugs Rarely Lead
    to Hepatotoxicity

    Of all of the worries about adverse effects from prescription drugs, hepatotoxicity probably should be far down on the list, according to a new study. Researchers found drug-induced acute liver failure was extremely rare with prescription drugs. Find out why they urge greater concern with OTC drugs and supplements, however.

  • New Guidelines Significantly Increase Anticoagulant Use With AFib

    How much will new guidelines on atrial fibrillation increase prescriptions for anticoagulants? A lot, according to a new study, especially among women and older patients. Here are the details.

  • FDA Orders Changes on Prescription
    Testosterone Labels

    When men fill prescriptions for testosterone products, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals should make sure they understand the possible cardiovascular risks of the medications, according to federal regulators. The FDA recently ordered label changes on testosterone replacement therapy to caution about heart risks and to emphasize the conditions for which the products are approved. Here is more information.

  • Extended Early Use of Bupropion Helps Smokers Quit

    Some smokers struggle to quit using bupropion and ask whether another prescription might help them. The problem might not be the product, however, but how it is being used, according to a new study. Researchers found that extended use of bupropion prior to a quit attempt reduces smoking and improves short-term abstinence rates. Find out more.

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