Young ADHD Patients Who Sell, Share Medications Suffer Most Bullying
Young people who use medications for ADHD are bullied more often than others, especially if they sell or share their medications, according to a new study. Here’s how education on the risks of prescription drug diversion can help.
New TRICARE Policy Limits Prescriptions Filled at Community Pharmacies
Most military health insurance beneficiaries can no longer fill brand-name maintenance medications at their local pharmacy. Find out more about the new TRICARE policy and the exceptions to the rule.
Recommended Doses of Hydroxyurea Increases Sickle Cell Survival
Taking the recommended dose of hydroxyurea can be a life-saver for sickle cell anemia. Yet a new government study finds that a third or more of patients are taking too little of the only drug approved for the rare blood disorder. Here are the details.
Shared Incentives for Appropriate Statin Use Lowers LDL-C Levels
Despite their effectiveness, statins are sometimes under-prescribed in primary care practice or patients fail to adhere to the drug regimen. Find out what happened when incentives were offered to both physicians and patients to improve use of the drugs to lower LDL-C levels.