

May 4, 2016
  • Anticholinergics Alter Brains of Older Adults,
    Increase Cognitive Risks

    For years, anticholinergic drugs have been linked to cognitive issues in older adults. A new study takes that a step further, finding brain atrophy in users of those medications and leading researchers to urge the elderly to avoid the drugs if alternatives are available. Here are the details.

  • Prescription Smoking Aids Don’t Increase Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events

    Smokers can safely use smoking cessation aids varenicline and bupropion without much risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events, even if they have a history of some mental health issues, according to a new study. Find out what agent was most effective in the research.

  • No Serious CV Event Increase for Breast Cancer Patients on Aromatase Inhibitors
    Breast cancer patients often have a tradeoff in treating their cancer: Cardiovascular risks associated with treatment. A new study finds that using aromatase inhibitors doesn’t seem to increase the risk of fatal cardiovascular events compared to tamoxifen, although the number of less serious heart problems went up. Here is more information.
  • Half of Medicare Patients Discontinue Biologic Therapies for Psoriasis

    Nearly half of Medicare recipients prescribed biologic therapies for plaque psoriasis stop taking the drugs within the year after the initiation, according to a new study. Find out why researchers speculate that is occurring.


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