October 28, 2020

Older Patients at Significant Risk With Increase in Heart Failure Polypharmacy

Some patients with chronic diseases are on so many medications that the current definition of polypharmacy is inadequate, according to a new study. The authors report that more than half of older patients hospitalized for heart failure leave the hospitals with prescriptions for 10 or more medications. Find out how risky that can be. 


Survey Finds COVID-19 Vaccine–Related Attributes, Politics Will Affect Uptake

Pharmacists are ready and waiting to deliver COVID-19 vaccines once a product is approved for distribution by the FDA. What will the demand be like and what factors will affect uptake of the new vaccine? A survey finds that will be determined not only by vaccine attributes such as efficacy and side effects but also political issues. Here are more details. 

Adding Antipsychotic Risky for Adults Unresponsive to First Antidepressant

Pharmacists should be aware of the potential for increased mortality associated with newer antipsychotic augmentation in adults with depression. A new study found a 45% relative increase in mortality risk for those initiating a newer antipsychotic as opposed to augmenting with another antidepressant. Here is more information. 


OTC Mouthwashes, Oral Rinses Inactivate Some
Human Coronaviruses

What are alternatives to help reduce COVID-19 transmission when masks or social distancing aren’t feasible? A new study suggests the answers might be sitting on pharmacy shelves. Find out how much mouthwashes and oral rinses reduced viral loads of human coronavirus similar to SARS-CoV-2.

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