U.S. Pharmacist | Diabetes Update
U.S. Pharmacist Diabetes Update
July 2018

Sleep Deficits Pose Diabetes Danger
A recent study by University of Arizona sleep-health scientists sheds light on the potential role that insufficient sleep plays in obesity and diabetes due to heightened food cravings and nighttime snacking, offering insights into the ways that sleep helps regulate metabolism. Read More.

Limited Food Access Accentuates Disease Risk
According to a study by University of Toronto researchers, limited or lack of access to food is an independent risk factor in the development of diabetes. Although clear associations have been made to the numerous health disadvantages experienced by those in food-insecure households, this study is the first to evaluate the relationship between food insecurity and the future development of type 2 diabetes. Read More.

Decreasing Brain Calcium Deposits Through
Diabetes Management
A study published in the Journal of Radiology reveals that age alone is not the only risk factor for the formation of calcium deposits in the brain. In addition to advancing years, researchers found that diabetes and smoking were also linked to calcium deposits in the brain that are believed to be potentially responsible for memory impairment and the development of dementia. Read More.

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