January 2019 |
A Quarter of Diabetic Patients Ration Insulin
A study published in December 2018 in JAMA Internal Medicine highlights a potential health crisis associated with patients’ self-regulated rationing of this critical lifesaving medication. Even more alarming, the study finds that roughly 30% of patients who ration insulin, which has become increasingly unaffordable for those paying out of pocket, do not discuss the action with their prescriber. Here are more details. |
Many Patients Use Test Strips Incorrectly A new study published December 2018 in JAMA Internal Medicine spotlights the core message of the “Choosing Wisely campaign,” which promotes more responsible and judicious use of medicinal interventions. One such recommendation is to avoid routine daily, multiple self-glucose monitoring checks in stable diabetic adults who are on agents that are not associated with hypoglycemia. Read more. |
Higher Diabetes Risk May Be Genetic
A comprehensive research study first published in June 2018 in JAMA and featured online in December 2018 in Medical Xpress news highlights the important potential association between the genetic predisposition of central adiposity, including the possible impact of an “apple shape” physique, and increased risk for diabetes. Read more. |
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