U.S. Pharmacist Technology Update
November 2018

Overcoming the Hurdles of
Prior Authorization

Prior authorization remains a burden to pharmacies striving to deliver efficient patient care. Originally created by the insurance industry to provide cost-effective and best-practice healthcare services, the prior-authorization process now often impedes service due to delays in the approval process, which fuels patient noncompliance and impacts health outcomes. Read more.


Pharmacies on the Forefront of Opioid Transparency
The severity and persistence of the opioid epidemic is well documented. Statistics from the CDC for 2016 estimated that 42,000 people died of an opioid overdose in the United States; 40% of those overdose deaths were the result of prescription opioids; more than 11 million people abused prescription opioids; and only 20% of patients with opioid-misuse disorders were in treatment programs. Pharmacies must continue to aggressively deter this continued downhill spiral of misuse and abuse. Read more.

Technology Spawns Real-Time MTM Clinics
Multiple medications, diseases, and healthcare providers create challenges in self-management and long-term medication adherence. Medication therapy management (MTM) clinics aim to help patients taking multiple long-term medications for chronic conditions maintain their health while minimizing drug-related problems. Burgeoning telemedicine consultations and mobile health apps provide real-time biometric data and create opportunities for pharmacists as go-to experts for their “ePatients.” Read more.

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