January 2022

Study Finds Differences in Insulin Pump Bolus Calculations
Advances in blood glucose–monitoring technology have the potential to decrease blood sugar excursions. Insulin pump manufacturers use proprietary algorithms for their bolus calculators (BCs) to adjust insulin doses based on carbohydrate load and the amount of insulin currently on board. However, little is known about how the various BCs used by the different insulin pump manufacturers affect insulin bolus doses. Read more.


COVID-19 Medication Compatibility With Normosol-R Crystalloid Solution
Venous access is often limited in an emergent situation, such as in the critically ill COVID-19 patient. The National Institutes of Health recommend the use of balanced crystalloid solutions, such as lactated Ringer's solution, Plasma-Lyte, and Normosol-R, for acute resuscitation of adults with shock and COVID-19. These preparations may be associated with less renal impairment. Read more.

Safety of IV Tissue Plasminogen in COVID-19 Patients With Ischemic Stroke
Patients infected with SAR-CoV2 present with numerous neurological signs and symptoms, including ischemic stroke (IS). Additional concerns in COVID-19 patients include that they may have an increased risk of bleeding. IV tissue plasminogen (IV-tPA) is the gold standard in acute IS management. However, little is known about the safety and efficacy of IV-tPA in COVID-19 patients with acute stroke. Read more.

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