September 2019

New Age Recommendations
for HPV Vaccine From CDC

The HPV vaccine is recommended as a standard immunization for all children at age 11 or 12 years. New research has resulted in a substantially expanded target population over the last several years. Guidelines issued in August put the vaccine squarely into the age range commonly administered by pharmacists, with immunization recommended for some patients up to age 45 years. Read more.


Pharmacists Critical in
Preventing Acetaminophen Overdoses in Children

For many, acetaminophen remains the go-to choice for fever and pain control in children. Generally, it works well, costs little, and has few side effects. But an overdose can easily occur, with potentially life-threatening consequences. Parents may not know how to determine a proper dose or think to check ingredients in other medications, so a quick conversation could have tremendous impact. Read more.

Alert St. John’s Wort Users to Potential Interactions
The criticism of supplements often focuses on their poor or unproven benefit. For St. John’s wort, the issue isn’t efficacy; it’s interactions. No matter what supplement form your customers buy—tea, tablets or liquids—they run the risk of reducing the benefit of many prescriptions drugs. Of even greater concern, they could trigger serotonin syndrome, which is a medical emergency. Read more.

Patient Teaching Aid: PSA Test
PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is a protein produced by the male prostate and is typically found in semen. In cases of prostate abnormalities, such as enlargement, infection, or cancer, more PSA is released into the circulation. For this reason, doctors use the PSA test to detect higher than normal levels of PSA in the blood. An increase in PSA in the blood alone, however, does not result in a definitive diagnosis of prostate cancer. Read more and view a Patient Teaching Aid video.

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