January 21, 2022

Evidence Demonstrates Omicron Less Severe Than COVID-19 Delta Variant

While indications have been pointing that way, a new study involving Kaiser Permanente in California confirms that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is less severe than the Delta variant in terms of hospitalization and mortality. Here is information from a new preprint study funded by the CDC.


Semaglutide Promotes More Weight Loss in Nondiabetic Adults Than Liraglutide

Although they are in the same drug class, semaglutide appears to work better than liraglutide in promoting weight loss in overweight and obese adults without diabetes, according to a new study. Find out why researchers consider the differences significant and what other benefits occurred in that cohort with semaglutide.

Medicare Proposes Limited Coverage for New Class of Alzheimer's Drugs

Usage of a highly touted new Alzheimer's disease drug will be very limited if a proposed Medicare policy stands. The National Coverage Determination proposal would only cover monoclonal antibodies targeting amyloid for the treatment of Alzheimer's in Medicare beneficiaries participating in qualified clinical trials, much to the chagrin of the manufacturer. Here is more information.


What Is the Future of Cost Savings With Biosimilar Drugs?

Biosimilar drugs have reduced costs for treating some conditions and could still drive down prices for others, according to a new analysis. A very optimistic projection exceeds $124 billion. Find out what the possibilities are for biosimilars according to RAND Corporation researchers.

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