
March 27, 2013
  • Weight Gain Doesn’t Negate Beneficial Effects of Smoking Cessation

    How should pharmacists respond when patients say they refuse to quit smoking because of concerns about gaining weight? A new study provides some answers. Here is what the researchers found about reduction in cardiovascular risk even if the recent nonsmoker puts on a few pounds.

  • FDA Evaluates Precancerous Pancreatic Risks With Incretin Mimetics

    Tissue samples showing pre-cancerous pancreatic cellular changes have raised questions about the risks of incretin mimetics, according to the FDA. No conclusions have been reached, and no changes have been made on recommended use of the drugs. Find out what the FDA had to say in an early communication and when more information is likely to be available.

  • Growing Percentage of Parents Expressing Concern
    About HPV Vaccine

    Many states have promoted immunization against the human papilloma virus by increasing availability, partly by authorizing pharmacists to administer the vaccine. The biggest issue in increasing use of the vaccine may not be the ease of accessing the shots, however. Why are parents increasingly hesitant to get their daughters immunized?

  • Pharmacists Help Improve Diabetes Control in Rural African-American Patients

    Usually without access to state-of-the-art diabetes care, rural African-Americans often have poor outcomes with the disease. A new study finds, however, that a care team including a pharmacist can make a big difference. Find out how much diabetes control improved in these patients compared to those receiving usual care in a physician’s office.

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