January 17, 2024

GLP-1RA Benefits Extend Beyond Glucose-Lowering, Weight Loss

Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs), approved by the FDA for treating type 2 diabetes and widely prescribed for weight loss, clearly do not need more good public relations. But the drug class, which often is in short supply, is getting it anyway: New studies show decreased risks of colorectal cancer and alcohol cravings in those who use them. Read more.


New Guidelines on Treatment of Osteoporosis, Low Bone Mass

If the new American College of Physicians (ACP) guidelines are followed, pharmacists will likely be filling more bisphosphonate prescriptions for postmenopausal women diagnosed with primary osteoporosis. The group also suggests that clinicians use bisphosphonates for initial pharmacologic treatment to reduce the risk of fractures in males diagnosed with primary osteoporosis. Find out what other new recommendations were made.

Certain Drugs Increase Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions

Certain drug classes are more associated with sometimes life-threatening severe cutaneous adverse reactions than others. A study published in the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine & Surgery sought to update the traditional list to include newer medications, and some of them were surprisingly common. Find out what risk factor and which drugs increase the risk of developing severe cutaneous adverse reactions.


For Neonatal Seizures

Now available for hospital formulary. Contact us to get the only FDA-approved treatment for neonatal seizures. Benzyl alcohol & preservative free. Read more.

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