Rising Obesity Rates Among U.S. Men

In males, this condition may cause lower testosterone levels, reproductive issues, poor self-esteem, difficulties with social interactions, and greater societal pressure related to community acceptance.

Managing Hospitalized Pediatric Patients With Influenza

Challenges include vaccine mismatches resulting from the virus’ rapid evolution and resistance to antiviral drugs, and prevention is complicated by vaccine hesitancy and other factors.

Dietary Supplements for Enhancing Heart Health

As patients become more motivated to take charge of their health, the use of dietary supplements to help treat hypertension and dyslipidemia is increasing.

Role of the Pharmacist in Ankylosing Spondylitis

Collaboration is crucial for optimizing care and addressing medication-access issues for patients with this chronic inflammatory disease of the spine.

Male Factor Infertility

In many cases, the cause is difficult to determine and may involve inadequate levels of certain hormones, but other problems may include structural issues and sperm abnormalities.

Overview of In Vitro Fertilization

Medications for assisted reproduction require frequent monitoring and adjustments, underscoring the importance of understanding potential side effects and risks.

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