Medication Errors and Liability Issues

Whether at the community pharmacy or in the hospital, it is essential to be aware of safety measures that could make a major difference in the care rendered to the patient.

Novel Strategy for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With HIV

Patients with HIV are more prone to developing certain chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease.

Overview of In Vitro Fertilization

Medications for assisted reproduction require frequent monitoring and adjustments, underscoring the importance of understanding potential side effects and risks.

Coal Tar 10% and Salicylic Acid 10% Ointment

This topical preparation may be used to treat skin inflammation, psoriasis, and other skin-related conditions in general patient populations, including children.

Combating Small-Cell Lung Cancer

For this challenging disease that often occurs at an advanced stage, limited treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy.


The symptoms usually dissipate over 2 to 4 weeks, but complications and death are higher in individuals with weakened immune systems.

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