January 31, 2023

Do ADHD Stimulants Cause Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Offspring?

Pharmacists have some comforting news to share with pregnant women worried about taking their attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drugs. Amphetamine/dextroamphetamine and methylphenidate do not appear to be linked to the development of neurodevelopmental issues in unborn children. The news is especially welcome as a result of large increases in adult ADHD diagnoses. Read more.


Bone Fracture Incidence in Men on Testosterone Treatment

Because bone density and quality improve with testosterone treatment in men with hypogonadism, there was every reason to expect that the drug also would have a positive effect on fractures in that cohort. That was not the case, however. In fact, the fracture incidence was numerically higher among men who received testosterone than among those who received placebo. Read more.

Cannabis Use Linked to Asthma, Significant Symptom Exacerbations

Recent studies have suggested burgeoning use of cannabis among adolescents, adults, and even parents of young children. A new study published in Preventive Medicine looked at how that might affect asthma prevalence and produced some disturbing results. Find out what researchers discovered about the link between cannabis and asthma and how frequent use had an even greater effect.


Pharmacy Groups Object to Florida’s Drug Importation Program

The Biden Administration and the FDA might think that approval of a new drug importation program for Florida could be the first step in reducing drug costs for U.S. consumers. Most of the major pharmacy groups in the United States disagreed and expressed strong concerns, however. Find out what worries the organizations in terms of harmful or counterfeit drugs entering the nation’s drug supply.

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