February 15, 2024

Blood Thinners Added to Clot-Busters Did Not Improve Stroke Outcomes

Animal studies raised some hopes that adding blood thinners to clot-busters could improve longer term outcomes in patients with severe strokes. That did not turn out to be the case, however, with a major clinical trial halted early. Find out what researchers found out about the early use of blood thinners in stroke emergencies and what other options still need to be studied.


ED Drugs Might Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, initially developed as treatment for hypertension and angina, have found an extensive market as erectile dysfunction (ED) medications. A new study suggests that their benefits might extend even farther by protecting men against Alzheimer’s disease, especially for those individuals who are most frequently issued phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor prescriptions. Here are more details.

Billions Spent on “Decongestant” Now Considered Ineffective

Based on recommendations from an advisory committee suggesting that evidence does not show oral phenylephrine is an effective nasal decongestant, the FDA is considering taking formulations off the market. In a recent 11-year period, however, about $3.4 billion in pharmacy expenditures were spent on phenylephrine products. What will this mean for pharmacies? Read more.


For Neonatal Seizures

Now available for hospital formulary. Contact us to get the only FDA-approved treatment for neonatal seizures. Benzyl alcohol & preservative free. Read more.

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