February 21, 2024

Shortages, Costs Affect Pharmacies’ Ability to Stock GLP-1 Agonists

With skyrocketing patient demand, shortages of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists are not the only problem independent pharmacies face with the diabetes/weight-loss drugs. They also have to deal with high costs and inadequate reimbursement. Those are among the findings of a new survey by the National Community Pharmacists Association. Learn more about the results.


Concerns Raised About Off-Label Antipsychotic Prescribing in Youths

Clinicians treating children and adolescents who suffer from unresponsive major depressive disorder do not have a lot of options. Still, according to a new study published in Mental Health Clinician, widespread prescribing of off-label antipsychotics is problematic, especially since the efficacy and safety of the drugs are unproven in those cohorts. Read more.

Spontaneous Preterm Birth Linked to Short-Term Opioid Use

Expectant mothers are limited in what they can use for pain control beyond acetaminophen because nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have fetal risks. That means some clinicians prescribe short courses of opioids for acute pain. Find out why a new study calls the practice into question and what concerns are raised about spontaneous preterm birth.


Benzodiazepines Suggested as Alternatives for COPD Insomnia

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients appear to face an elevated risk of dying when they use hypnotics to treat the insomnia that often accompanies their condition. A new study suggested the issue was especially prevalent with the use of benzodiazepine receptor agonists (BZRAs); the mortality rate of non-BZRA hypnotics decreased after the first 2 years and was not significantly different for hypnotic nonusers. Read more.

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