March 4, 2020

Antidepressant Withdrawal Can Cause Serious Symptoms in Long-Term Users

Long-term users of antidepressants can have troubling withdrawal symptoms when they discontinue the drugs, according to a new study. Find out about antidepressant discontinuation syndrome and how researchers suggest it can be avoided.


Interim Estimates Put Current Influenza
Vaccine Effectiveness at 45%

Pharmacists have been pushing influenza vaccine since late summer, and their efforts appear to have paid off. The CDC reports that this season’s vaccine has an overall effectiveness of 45%—55% in children and adolescents—and has played a large role in reducing medical visits for the flu this year. Here is more information.

Apixaban More Effective Than Warfarin, Even With Stroke, Blood Clot History

While concerns have persisted about using the blood thinner apixaban in patients with a history of stroke or blood clot, a recent trial review found that those worries are largely unwarranted. In fact, researchers documented a lower rate of bleeding and mortality with the drug than with a vitamin K antagonist combined with aspirin. Here are more details.


Study Confirms Safety of Varenicline,
Bupropion for Smoking Cessation

Common smoking-cessation drugs do not appear to increase the risk of cardiovascular or neuropsychiatric adverse effects, according to a new study. Find out what researchers determined when they compared varenicline and bupropion to nicotine replacement therapies in adults without a recent history of depression.

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