November 18, 2021

Benefit of Steroid Use in COVID-19 Outweighs Risk of Diabetes Complications

By the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the steroid dexamethasone was saving lives and preventing ICU admissions. Concerns were raised, however, over the effect on increased glucose levels. Find out why a new study says the benefits outweigh the risk, even in most diabetes patients. 


Chlorthalidone Therapy Improves BP Control in Advanced CKD Patients

A new study is potentially practice-changing for the care of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD). Researchers determined that in patients with advanced CKD and poorly controlled hypertension, chlorthalidone therapy improved blood-pressure (BP) control at 12 weeks compared with placebo. Previously, there had been little evidence on the use of thiazide diuretics to treat hypertension in those patients. Here is more information.

Combination Speeds Resolution of COVID-19 Symptoms in Mild/Moderate Cases

Pharmacists are increasingly playing a role in the delivery of monoclonal antibodies to treat COVID-19, especially in patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 recovering at home. A new study provides evidence on how effective those products are in shortening the duration of coronavirus symptoms. Here are more details


Drug to Reduce Preterm Birth Linked to Increased Cancer Risk in Offspring

In October, the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research proposed that hydroxyprogesterone caproate injection, marketed as Makena, be withdrawn from sales because a required postmarket study did not verify clinical benefit. Read more

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