February 16, 2022 

Clinical Trial Finds BP Elevation With Regular Acetaminophen Use

Pharmacists might want to caution hypertension patients to be careful about regular use of acetaminophen for pain. A clinical trial from Scotland provides the strongest evidence yet that the OTC drug can significantly raise blood pressure. Here is more information.


About Half of Adults Who Reported Unconfirmed COVID-19 Did Not Have It

It is not uncommon for adults to say they had COVID-19, even if a test did not confirm it, and to use that as an excuse to refuse a vaccine. Find out why pharmacists should be somewhat skeptical of those claims based on a new study that found about half of members of a group making those claims were never infected.

Baloxavir Marboxil Better at Preventing Family Flu Spread Than Oseltamivir

One of the biggest challenges when one family member contracts influenza is keeping the rest of the family healthy. Japanese researchers recently assessed which flu antiviral was most effective at preventing familial influenza transmission. Find out what they determined.


Other Viruses Resurged After COVID-19 Social Restrictions Were Lifted

Pharmacists did not just imagine an upsurge in respiratory and gastrointestinal infections after COVID-19 restrictions were eased and ultimately lifted in most places. A new Israeli study documents increases, especially in toddlers, but also for respiratory infections in all age groups. Here are more details.

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