October 5, 2022

Dispensing Abortifacients Becomes Increasingly Complex for Pharmacists

New state laws are making it extremely complex for pharmacists to dispense drugs used as abortifacients, even if they have a myriad of other uses. Three pharmacy associations and the American Medical Association recently released a joint statement calling for more clarity so that pharmacists do not end up in legal jeopardy. Here is more information.


Human-Drug Prices Much Higher Than Pet Versions With Same Ingredients

Why would two drug formulations with the same ingredients and common human-equivalent doses differ dramatically in price? One answer is that one is for humans and the other is for pets. Find out what a new research letter says about variation in pricing between human and pet medications and why that might be the case.

COVID-19 Vaccines Appear to Temporarily Affect Menstruation-Cycle Length

Pharmacists should be prepared to answer questions about how COVID-19 vaccination affects menstrual cycles. A new international study supports previous research from the United States on that issue. Find out what menstrual changes are and are not attributable to recent vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.


Pharmacists Should Be Aware of Growing EV-D68 Infections in Children

As if influenza and COVID-19 aren't enough, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals need to be aware of another severe respiratory illness in children and adolescents. Find out the symptoms of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) infections and how cases of acute flaccid myelitis have been linked to it.

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