January 19, 2023 

New Guidelines for Diabetes/CKD Patients Include Drug Recommendations

A new guideline released in 2022 on treating diabetes patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) emphasizes the importance of starting new medications one at a time and assessing response and risk before adding more. Find out what else the Kidney Disease Improving Local Outcomes group advises to reduce the progression of CKD and improve cardiovascular outcomes.


Most of U.S. Population Within 15 Minutes of Oral COVID-19 Treatments

Distribution of oral antivirals against COVID-19, such as Paxlovid, has generally been successful in the United States, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, pointing out that more than 90% of the U.S. population lives within 15 minutes of locations distributing the drugs. Yet, that still leaves millions more than 30, or even 45, minutes away. Read more.

Racial/Ethnic Differences Seen in COVID-19 Vaccination in Children/Teens

Children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 years in certain racial/ethnic groups had much higher rates of vaccination against COVID-19 than others, according to the CDC, which embarked on the study in hopes of improving vaccination rates. For many parents, the remaining concern is vaccination safety. Learn more on how authors suggested allaying those fears and improving vaccination rates.


New Alzheimer’s Drug Available for Prescription in January

The new Alzheimer’s disease drug, Leqembi, was set to be available for prescription by the third week of January, with pricing levels already announced. Evidence from a new study prompted the FDA to grant Fast Track approval for the medication to Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. Leqembi targets the disease process, rather than only treating the symptoms. Read more.

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