March 25, 2020

What Pharmacists Can Do, Now and Later, in COVID-19 Outbreak

With the sudden increase in novel coronavirus cases in the United States and the difficulties created by policies to keep people at home, pharmacists might not be sure of their role in the COVID-19 response. A community pharmacy association offered some practical advice on what can be done now and later. Here are more details.


Pharmacy Giants Walgreens, CVS Will Offer
COVID-19 Testing Sites

Two large pharmacy chains, as well as two big box stores, are offering sites for COVID-19 testing once those government programs are up and running. Find out where Walgreens and CVS Health are proposing that the testing be done and how they are offering reassurance to customers.

Why Dual Therapy Might Be Better for Some PCI Patients

Determining the optimal antithrombotic regimen in patients with ischemic heart disease and atrial fibrillation undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention can be difficult. A new meta-analysis offers some guidance on whether to opt for dual or triple therapy. Here is more information.


Parkinson’s Disease Itself Might Be Linked
to Impulse-Control Disorders

Impulse-control disorders plague as many of 20% of Parkinson’s disease patients. Find out why a new study suggests that the cause goes beyond the medications used and might signal a predisposition associated with the disease itself.

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