May 6, 2020

Updated Guidance: Nearly Everyone Needs to Wear Masks at Pharmacies

New guidance from the CDC says nearly everyone in pharmacies—staff and customers, alike—now should be wearing masks to cover their face, regardless of symptoms. Find out what other new recommendations are included in the revised guidelines, including suggestions to reschedule routine vaccinations.


Did Antipsychotic Warnings for Dementia Have
Unintended Consequences?

Recommending against use of atypical antipsychotics in older patients with dementia might have exposed them to other, possibly more dangerous, health risks. That is according to a new study looking at what has occurred since an FDA boxed warning was added to those medications 15 years ago. Here are more details. 

Loss of Taste, Smell Might Signal Less-Severe Case
of COVID-19

If asked about the significance of loss of taste and smell, pharmacists should immediately send the questioner with those issues to be evaluated for novel coronavirus infection. At the same time, according to a new study, they can advise that the case is less likely to be severe because of the symptom. Here is more information. 


Too-High Rate of Diabetes Therapy Intensification at
Hospital Discharge

Older patients discharged from hospitals might be at higher risk of having their diabetes treatment intensified even if many of them won’t benefit from the change. Find out how often that happened in a recent study and why that was probably unnecessary for some of the patients. 

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