June 3, 2020

COVID-19 Deaths Are 9.5-fold to 44.1-fold Greater Than Peak Flu Weeks

During the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacists are fielding a lot of questions. A common one is, “Isn’t this just like a bad flu season?” Find out why a new journal article argues that isn’t the case, and that deaths from the novel coronavirus actually are 9.5-fold to 44.1-fold greater than the peak week of counted influenza deaths during the past seven influenza seasons in the United States. 


Oral Thrush Treatment During Pregnancy Linked to Malformations

Expectant mothers often use either oral fluconazole or topical antifungal agents to deal with thrush during pregnancy. A new study cautions, however, about a small risk of muscle and bone malformations in unborn children when their mothers use the oral formulation. Pharmacists can find out how much risk increased and what the authors recommend. 

States Can’t Prevent Pharmacists
From Ordering, Administering
COVID-19 Tests

When the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) authorized pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 testing, it wasn’t clear how that would work in states placing limits on the ability to do that. An advisory opinion from HHS states, however, that the agency’s action preempts state licensing laws. Here is more information. 


Statins Help Prevent All-Cause Death in Prostate Cancer Patients

Unlike with some other cancers, prostate cancer patients often die of other causes. That is why a new study indicating that common cholesterol drugs can help lower the risk of all-cause death is significant. Find out what researchers determined about the effect of concomitant statin use and mortality rates. 

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