Published October 21, 2009 DIABETES NCPA Partners With AADE to Expand Diabetes Counseling Options By Staff US Pharm. 2009;34(10):8. Alexandria, VA — The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) has announced a partnership with the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE). According to NCPA Executive Vice President and CEO Bruce Roberts, the partnership will “allow community pharmacists to get the training they need to conduct intensive, comprehensive educational classes targeted to diabetes patients to ensure every measure is being incorporated to improve their health outcomes and ultimately lower costs.” Training is scheduled to be offered no more than three times a year. After fulfilling 16 hours of certified training, community pharmacists will be eligible to serve as an instructor within an accredited diabetes education program. “This is a perfect way for [community pharmacists] to differentiate themselves from chain pharmacies or mail order distributors,” said Roberts. “It is an opportunity to be paid for providing lifestyle change services rather than as a supplier of a commodity [like glucose meters].”